Online DGA

Transformer testing: Precision and Mobility in perfect Synergy

There are gas chromatographs which are very accurate but too heavy and bulky for on-site use. Then there are units which are portable but not as accurate as traditional gas chromatographs. The MOBIL GC combines both to the perfect synergy: Accuracy and Mobility.

The GC can be used for on-site analysis and in laboratories, it is cost efficient, precise and easy to use. The Mobil GC complies with IEC 567 and ASTM 3612. The partial vacuum degassing syringe is part of the standard accessories.

Online Dissolved Gas Analysis


Automatic on-line analysis of 11 gases
The analysis is done in 2 steps with high selectivity and accuracy fully compliable with laboratory procedure.

  • Degassing of the taken oil sample through vacuum extraction ( acc. DIN/IEC 60567/567
  • Dissolved gas analysis through gas chromatography with TCD (thermal conductivity detector) , FID ( Flame Ionization detector) and Methanizer

Both steps are synchronized by a micro-controller which guarantees a fast and reliable measurement routine.

Data sheet

Oil Sampler Kit for Oil Sampling


Contamination-free Oil Sampling according to standards – with the Oil Sampler Kit

  • no contamination with the ambient air
  • ease of use
  • auto registration the oil temperature
  • Measurement according to standard IEC 567 and ASTM 3612

Data sheet

Total gas content


Automatic analysis of the dissolved gases in oil-filled transformers

The analysis is done in 2 steps which guarantee a very high selectivity and sensitivity of the determination of dissolved gases:

  • Gas separation by means of fully vacuum degassing ( accord. to DIN EN 60567, DIN IEC 599 and IEEE C57.104-1991) and display of results
  • Option: Subsequently to the determination of the total gas content a gas chromatographic analysis can be made

Data sheet